Explore the power of ZKPs using Noir

Get hands-on experience for how to architect and build a ZKP-enabled app using Aztec's open-source programming language, Noir

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What you'll learn

What you'll learn

Within the realm of zero knowledge technology, Aztec stands out as a leading project developing privacy-preserving tooling for blockchain ecosystems. Noir, Aztec's language for programming zero knowledge circuits, offers a unique, easy approach to building applications that leverage zero knowledge proofs.

Learning how to build zkApps using Noir is a rewarding experience. Most ZK frameworks require advanced cryptography expertise, but Noir abstracts away much of the complexity to open up zkApp development to the broader pool of web 3.0 developers.

The shift from traditional development to building ZKP applications with Noir introduces a new set of concepts and tools that may seem overwhelming at first. However, this course aims to provide you with the necessary knowledge and guidance to navigate this exciting field.

Through hands-on exercises and projects, you will gain practical experience in architecting, developing, and scaling applications using Noir. You will also have the opportunity to collaborate with fellow participants who share your passion for blockchain and zero knowledge technologies. You will also have the opportunity to learn from the developers at Aztec, the team behind Noir language.

With the skills and network acquired through this bootcamp, you will be well-equipped to embark on a career as a blockchain developer or founder, leveraging the power of Noir and zero knowledge circuits to create private and secure applications.

Meet your instructors

What you'll learn

Preethi Kasireddy

Preethi started her crypto career as a software engineer at Coinbase and helped launch Ethereum onto the Coinbase platform.

She then taught herself Ethereum Dapp development during the 2017 ICO boom and built smart contracts for various crypto projects before deciding to start her own crypto company called TruStory. At TruStory, she and her team built their own blockchain on Cosmos.

Before Coinbase and TruStory, Preethi was a partner at Andreessen Horowitz where she worked on deals such as Buzzfeed, Stackoverflow, Envoy, SmartCar and others. Prior to that, she was an Investment Banking Analyst at Goldman Sachs.

Her well-rounded experience as a founder, engineer, investor, and banker gives her a unique lens into the world of crypto and finance. She has a knack for teaching– many of her courses and blogs have gone viral.

What you'll learn

Rajesh Muppalla

Rajesh is the lead instructor at DappCamp and ZKCamp. He covers hands-on topics and also advanced topics like security. He has been in the tech industry for 20+ years and has deep knowledge in domains like blockchain, machine learning and big data.

Prior to DappCamp, Rajesh co-founded Indix–a company in the AI/ML space, later acquired by Avalara. He has also run several bootcamps in his startup and earlier companies to help on-board new employees.

You can find more of his work on github.

What you'll learn

Why choose this course?

Active Learning, not Passive Watching

Lectures are designed to keep you on your feet. You are quizzed on everything you learn and get badges for crushing them! You also have access to an active Discord channel where your peers are asking and answering questions about the lecture content.

Learn with a Cohort of Peers

You will walk away with friends and potential cofounders who you can build the future with. Think hackathon, where you learn a ton and gain incredible friends in a short period of time.

Accountability and Feedback

The biggest benefit of a cohort-based course is accountability and peer support. By building in a group setting, you will constantly be surrounded by constructive feedback and motivational energy. Moreover, Preethi and the coaches will be highly engaged in giving every student 1:1 feedback through the course.

Learn with a comprehensive curriculum

  • 1

    Pre-readings and homework


    We will expect you to learn the basics on your own so that we can spend class time covering intermediate and advanced topics. You will be given homework and readings to complete before the first day of the cohort, which are designed to give you a basic understanding of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), Solidity, and getting started with Noir.

  • 2

    Cohort Introduction & ZKP Fundamentals

    Live - August 13th

    It’s like the first day of school! This is when you will meet with your fellow ZKCampers who will be your ride or die for the next 1 week. We will also review the curriculum, set expectations, and cover some of the Zero-Knowledge Proofs fundamentals.

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    Introduction to Aztec and Noir

    Live - August 14th

    We will introduce you to Noir, which is the private smart contract language that you will use to deploy apps on the Aztec network. You will also learn how Noir fits into the blockchain ecosystem and how it compares to some existing domain-specific languages like Circom.

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    Noir Basics

    Live - August 15th

    We will dive into the basics of the Noir language by walking through a collection of Noir programs which cover all the concepts of the language. You will also use these newly found skills to build a toy program with Noir.

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    Building a Noir Application

    Live - August 16th - 17th

    Just knowing the Noir programming language is not enough. To build private and decentralized applications, you will learn how to setup a project, use Noir CLI, generate a verifier contract, and also integrate it with the frontend. By the end, you will be fully equipped to write and deploy Noir applications.

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    Advanced Noir

    Live - August 18th

    After understanding the fundamentals, we will cover some advanced topics so that you can understand Noir at a deeper level. We will dive into topics such as Noir's novel intermediate representation (ACIR), constraints optimizations, and security.